TGS Unplugged: Lake Arrowhead

TGS Unplugged: Lake Arrowhead

Last month, a group of TGS creatives got together and unplugged from social media for the weekend in order to work on community, conversation, and communication. Like minded photographers, models, and makeup artists gathered in a beautiful cabin in Lake Arrowhead to redirect their thoughts in a more positive direction with the purpose of manifesting a better destiny. 

Check out some of the beautiful images captured during this mountain retreat!

Photographer: Erikson Erise -- Model: Kirpa Sudick

Photographer: Max Baker -- Model: Paola Neibla

Photographer: Iarissa -- Model: Alex Morehouse

Photographer: Alex Morehouse -- Model: Claire

Want to come to the next TGS Unplugged event? 

Come join our community and apply to be a Creative