Member Monday: Alicia Tan
Photographer: Nick Ramsay (@nickramsayphotography)
Tell me about yourself?
“I was born and raised in San Diego, CA and moved to Long Beach, CA for college at CSULB. I love it here and it is a great school that is close enough to home, yet far enough so I can experience living on my own as well as meet new people from different places. I’m a January baby aka a Capricorn. I’m not entirely sure what races I am, but I know for a fact that I am white, Chinese, and Hawaiian! I love my race and my Hawaiian cultured family and I truly embrace it. ”
Photographer: Nick Ramsay (@nickramsayphotography)
How's interning at TGS going?
“I have been getting great internship experience through TGS and have gained more skills than I could have imagined from this internship. My responsibilities include going through the TGS application email multiple times per day, recording EVERY single person who applies to become a member, personally go through their applications and check out their portfolios and instagrams, then I decide whether or not we will accept them or not. After accepting new members, I then go to SquareSpace and create their profile feature for the tgscollective website. I format the website, add their information, their photos, and link their name to their personal profile feature! It is a lot of tedious work, but it is worth it for the amount of knowledge I have gained and skills I have acquired for my future occupation in the Marketing field. ”
Photographer: Nick Ramsay (@nickramsayphotography)
How did you get into modeling?
“My best friend and I were really into photography and would travel around San Diego (my hometown) together and would shoot! We both loved shooting and modeling and I never knew that having fun with my friend way back in middle school would turn into something that I love to this day. I have been modeling ever since. ”
hotographer: Brittany Bravo (@bravocado._)
How did you find out about Tgs?
“I found TGS through Instagram over a year ago right when Alex started it up. ”
hotographer: Rachel Ranucci (@ranucciphotography)
Why’d you join?
“I joined TGS because I really wanted a more accessible way into the creative community so I could experience working with other creatives! I had just moved to Long Beach from San Diego and did not know any creatives nearby, so TGS was very helpful for me and my modeling career to meet new people to work with in my newly situated home.”
hotographer: Brittany Bravo (@bravocado._)
Where do you get your inspiration from?
“When I was more active on tumblr 6 years ago, that was where I originally got my inspiration from. I was in love with all of the creative photography and beautiful models on my feed and it influenced me to want to recreate those images. Later on I discovered Instagram and Pinterest which are both super helpful social media platforms to get more inspiration from. ”
Photographer: Casey Lorz (@caseylozphoto)
Favorite 'asthetic', theme, or look when shooting?
“I love abstract poses, relaxed/dreamy poses, and insane makeup looks so much! I love soft, yet vibrant color schemes because I find it appealing to the eye. I live on the coast and I am Hawaiian, so I definitely love beachy looks/asthetics as well.”
hotographer: Rachel Ranucci (@ranucciphotography)
Do you have other creative friends you like to meet up with / brainstorm with?
“I have been very busy with college and sports, but I try to occasional speak with photographers that I’ve worked with in the past, such as Ian Temple, Alex Williams, Casey Lorz, and Brittany Bravo! I also engage with my model friends through social media.”
hotographer: Brittany Bravo (@bravocado._)
Random stuff about you?
“I play Women’s Rugby for my college CSULB and I am a ceramicist! I love all forms of art, especially architecture and want to travel all around the world and explore all of Earth’s beautiful nature and architecture. I have got bitten by the travel bug and think about getting the hell out of here every day haha! Whenever I have free time I always try to make plans to go travel somewhere! Even if it is just a day trip with my friends, I love the adventure. ”
Photographer: Jess May (@jess_maay)
Most interesting story revolving around modeling?
“Honestly, almost every modeling job I’ve experienced has dealt with dangerous spots and situations for posing/balancing, or crazy hikes right off of cliffs, and just sketchy situations, but I love the thrill and I will do (almost) anything for the shot! #doitfortheshot!”
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TGS Collective