TGS Collective

Creators Challenge: Go with the Flow

TGS Collective
Creators Challenge: Go with the Flow

Here are some of our favorite submissions from our first “Creators Challenge,” which challenged creators to create wherever they may be NOW, and to seek out inspiration wherever they could during this isolating time in the world. The theme was Go with the Flow:

Christina Dobre -

Self-Isolation Self Portrait Series

In all this chaos, I tend to find myself searching for distraction. Something, anything, to keep my mind off what’s going on outside my apartment walls here in New York City. I found inspiration for this series after my landlord took the boards off our hallway skylights. This new light shining through equally made me feel free, as it reminded me of how trapped I feel being in isolation. This series is a product of trying to understand that duality.

Christina Dobre


Giovanni Canales

Uncertain Times

While being in quarantine mode, i wanted to challenge myself by shooting with the fluorescent lights hanged in my garage at night. There were two strips hanging awkwardly from different corners of the garage. They both provided different degrees of temperature creating a contrast effect of warm and cool tones in the images. I then wanted to turn off one of the lights to give it a much more dreary and eerie feel given these uncertain times and purposely wanted the direction of light to hit on certain parts of my face. There is one shot of me reaching towards the light in an attempt to give the viewer a sense of reaching for hope/light/purpose. Looking up in some of the images gives me a sigh of relief that there is light at the end of this tunnel.

Giovanni Canales


Alex Morehouse -

Creating Every Day

I have been trying to challenge myself to create every day. Some day’s I’ll set up the tripod and self timer, other days I’ll have my boyfriend Tim snap pics for me, and other days I’ll snap random b-roll and throw it all together with some music into a video. Some day’s I’ll watch shows and get inspired by the colors or the angles and shots. Some day’s I’ll scroll through Pinterest and make mood boards and create storylines. I try to remember that we can still be creating even if its not tangible yet, even if it’s not in it’s final form. Art is a process. Sometimes the most work is done, when you’re resting. Or appreciating the small moments you once overlooked. This series was directed, produced and edited by me and I had my boyfriend snapping the shots!

Alex Morehouse


Tim herman


Kyrsta Morehouse -

Quarantine 2020

I wanted to take self portraits that captured the anxiety and uncertainty we all feel being quarantined at home right now. I wanted to push myself to play with the Polaroid while the chemicals were developing and alter the final image and add some 3D element to it

Kyrsta Morehouse


tgs collective creators challenge
tgs collective creators challenge

Kelly Kennedy

Watching, Waiting

In our backyards, or in any space for that matter, it can feel like time is frozen. The seasons change slowly, the same cycle repeating itself over and over again. Spending more time at home means we have the chance to inspect this cycle in the most minuscule, almost painful way. And then suddenly we're a part of it. But we always were, we just didn't slow down enough to feel it.

Kelly Kennedy


Mike Chadrjian

Quarantine blues

I hate being stuck in the house. Trying to occupy my time is challenging for me indoors so I find myself with a lot of idle time. Literally, sitting around looking out the window, smoking, playing the guitar. This is what it looks like to be trapped inside with ADHD.

Mike Chadrjian


Thank you so much to those who submitted these beautiful photos. We appreciate you all sharing your art with us and hopefully it brought a little comfort To create something beAutiful amongst the MAdness.

We have more challenges coming soon so stay tuned!