TGS Collective

How To Stay Productive During Quarantine

TGS Collective
How To Stay Productive During Quarantine

Let me start this off by saying that if you aren’t in the mood to be “productive” - that’s okay!! Taking a nap and eating a whole loaf of bread might be emotionally or mentally “productive,” but if you are craving something to keep you busy and forward moving during this time, here are a few things you can do:

  1. Organize and back up all of your content

    1. Dropbox

    2. Google Drive

    3. External hard drive

  2. Update your portfolio / website

    1. Have friends or family give you feedback if you keep hitting a wall / need some guidance

    2. Update your site with testimonials from past clients / people you’ve worked with

    3. Make sure your “about” page is up to date & has a recent photo of you

  3. Create mood boards for future projects and concepts

    1. Create an actual mood board for easy reference

    2. Reach out to people if you already have ideas for a team

    3. Get everyone excited so that after quarantine you have things lined up already

  4. Check out the free courses that are happening EVERYWHERE online:

    1. Nikon

    2. Creative Live

    3. Harvard

    4. Princeton

    5. Columbia

    6. MIT

    7. Yale

    8. Stanford

    9. Berkeley

  5. Participate in the weekly TGS “Creators Challenge” to keep that creativity flowing


  6. Download & utilize the free app UNUM if you want to take your social media game up a notch / want to start thinking through your branding a bit more when it comes to social media

    Plan out content and make sure its a good mix of all you have to offer - but remember: be genuine & authentic, build yourself a community

  7. Read a book, here are a few of my favorites:

    1. Infinite Possibilities by Mike Dooley

    2. Built to Last by Jim Collins

    3. Finding the Space to Lead by Janice Marturano

    4. Mind your Business by Ilana Griffo

    5. Hit Makers by Derek Thompson


    Take a 30 minutes - 1 hour walk. Feel the sun on your face and the breeze against your skin. We’re on orders to stay home but we are allowed to walk outside so long as we practice social distancing.


    This one can be tricky, but you really can’t function at your best if your brain feels foggy or if your body feels weak. Nourish your mind & body, make sure you’re taking your mental health seriously, be productive or be unproductive. Just go at your own pace and remember we’re really all handling this in different ways, we all have different lifestyles and different obstacles to each of our daily-to-day lives so don’t beat yourself up if you can’t bring yourself to do the ^ above things right now, or what you see your friends or people on social media doing. Save this for later, and give yourself a break, you’re doing just fine.

Thanks so much for reading, we hope these were helpful! Stay home & stay safe everyone ✌️