TGS Collective

Creators Challenge: Black & White

TGS Collective
Creators Challenge: Black & White

Here are some of our favorite submissions from our third “Creators Challenge,” which challenged creators to create wherever they may be NOW, and to seek out inspiration wherever they could during this isolating time in the world. The theme was “Black & White”

Seasonal Suffocation

By: Michael Chadrjian

New York weather has been bipolar. While the sun is out and shining, the winds and temperature have yet to align. Thus, leaving us as close to relaxing outside as possible. I think these pictures provide an accurate representation of my feelings in regards to the weather here throughout the day. 

Michael Chadrjian




By: Justin Chen

How many reflections does it take when he’s no longer you?

Justin Chen

My Journey Within

By: Brooke Giamo

I've never really known who I was inside. There was so much inner turmoil that I was repressing emotions that needed to be felt. I wrote a poem before quarantine, but I've never really followed my own words. This pandemic has given me the opportunity to truly discover myself and unlock that love within. I am eternally grateful. 

When we face a new stimuli 
Our minds like to assume
It's a threat 
But if we keep an open mind 
We see, things unknown to us 
Are not the enemy 

When we stay calm
In the face of, what we don't know 
We teach ourselves 
To have confidence in our abilities
To understand the things 
We perceive as unknowable 
Until we have learned 
There is nothing we can't know 
When we have faith
in ourselves

But if that faith gets lost
We remember, that bump in the road 
Is there to reinforce us 
Of our abilities
Put there for us to overcome
So that we can have
Strength and gratitude
For ourselves, 
Or any other obstacles 
We may face 

By reflecting on 
Our own journeys 
We discover the uniqueness 
Of each of our paths 
And we come to learn 
That having a different path
Does not mean 
It is better or worse
That instead,
It is yours 
To love

Brooke Giamo


Up All Night/ Morning Light/ Kinda Thing

By: Megan Montgomery

Well, as you may have guessed by the title, I had been up all night. At this point I was probably in a state of delirium. You know that place you straddle when creativity meets delirium? I just looked up at the wall and suddenly I was excited. I was excited by the shadows. I've always had a thing for shadows. I was excited by the light. Again, something I totally dig. I was even more excited by the reflection of both. I just let my eye follow the light as it bounced from window to wall to glass picture frame and down. And when I had turned around about 180 degrees, I saw my shadowed body all right there, on this little patch of light, almost at the floor. I just grabbed by phone and started taking a portrait series, quickly documenting where it started but also where it had landed. And in that moment I found joy and a bit of myself, alive and in the moment. It was that kinda thing.

Megan Montgomery



By: Larissa Raquel

For those who don’t know- May is Mental Health Awareness Month. If someone you know is struggling with Mental Health related issues, please be there for them. Let them know you care. If you are the one struggling, be kind to yourself. We’re gonna be okay, we’re in this together. The uncertainty of our current time is almost debilitating for some people. Not knowing what the future holds, feeling as though you have no strength, or control- is such a horrible feeling. I created these via FaceTime on one of my darkest days of self isolation, and every bit of this day just felt like a blur.

Larissa Raquel

@larissaraquelphoto x @ariellespring