TGS Collective

Member Monday: Angelina Brower

TGS Collective
Member Monday: Angelina Brower

This week we interviewed one of our newest members/models, the lovely:



Tell us about yourself!

I moved out to LA about a year and a half ago to pursue film acting and recording music, primarily. I had been studying Classical Voice Performance at Oklahoma City University and left just 30 credits short of my degree, because it just wasn't what I wanted anymore. I've been singing since I was about four years old and overtime just got swept up in Musical Theatre and Classical training although I knew I only ever wanted to pursue recording music and film acting. So, I decided to take a gap year from school and move out to LA for 6 months. Nearly two years later, I'm still here and absolutely loving it. It feels great to be in a place where I'm constantly striving to push and better myself and somewhere that it feels as if any and everyday could be the day that changes my life.


What inspired you to pursue your current creative path?

I've always been incredibly creative. I've been singing since I was little and started acting in middle school. I've always loved to write and have previously performed my own spoken word poetry, but since I've been in LA I've really been focusing on modeling and acting. Modeling came to me much later and I still feel like I have SO much to learn, but I have such a wonderful time with it. My mother was actually a model, but left the industry after a couple bad experiences so it was always something I wanted to get into, but was incredibly wary of. I started pursuing modeling in Oklahoma City right before I left for LA and now, here we are! It grants me another wonderful creative outlet where I get to play with movement and styling while meeting so many other wonderful creatives.


How did you find out about TGS?

I actually started following several of the members on IG because I LOVED their photos, then after about 6 months I applied for the agency, then shortly after that decided to go to a meetup and apply to the collective.

Why did you decide to join TGS?

Because I love how much everyone cares. We're all here because we love what we do and it shows in the quality of work TGS members put out and they're honestly some of the greatest people that I've met in Los Angeles. I have yet to go to a meetup and leave uninspired.


Where do you draw your inspiration from?

I draw a lot of my inspiration from following models and creatives from all of the world, both huge industry names and not.

Fave aesthetic, look or theme when shooting?

I'm really trying to push myself with movement and color during shoots right now!


Do you have creative friends you like to meetup and brainstorm with?

Of course! I think hashing out ideas over coffee is one of the best ways to grow and learn. (Coffee is optional, of course.)


Most interesting story revolving around your creative medium?

Honestly not sure it's happened yet!


Random stuff about you?

I have a massive sweet tooth and a cat that I love more than most anything else in this world named Hemera, "Hemmy" for short. Love to read, do yoga, sleep. Love to travel, even studied in Paris for a summer. I can't eat with large utensils, they just feel too big for my hands so I always trade them out for small forks and spoons when I can.
