TGS Collective

Member Monday: dakota delfin

TGS Collective
Member Monday: dakota delfin



D a k o t a

D e l f i n


Tell us about yourself!
I'm a Filipino American petite model living in Brooklyn. Before I became a full-time model, I was a schoolteacher in Texas. One of my students inspired me to remember my dreams to be a film actress and model. And just like that, I finished off the school year, packed my bags, and moved to New York City, hoping to show my past students that it's never too late to pursue what I love.


What inspired you to pursue your current creative path?
When I was younger, my siblings and I watched tons of classic films, like "Singing in the Rain" and "Bringing Up Baby." I fell in love with the incredible choreography of the triple threat performers and the marvelous spectacle of each set design, lighting, musical number, etc. From then on I knew that I wanted to curate my life around colors, light, art and JOY. I spent my whole life diving in the arts, studying as an actor, vocalist, dancer/mover, painter, and now model. My whole goal in my artistic career is to evoke joy and spark energy. 


How did you find out about TGS?
I met some wonderful ladies at a photoshoot for a hair salon brand in New York, and they were a part of TGS. This collective really has brought so many creatives together!


Why did you decide to join TGS?
My intent in moving to New York was to build a life surrounded by passionate, kind, and enthusiastic artists striving to create waves in the world. Based on the creatives I met in TGS, I knew I had found my people.


Where do you draw your inspiration from?
Nature really brings out my need for artistic expression. When I take walks in the park, I notice how tree branches sway with the breeze, how rocks stack up in a beautiful manner, and those are the pictures that come to my mind when I model. At the same time, music also influences my creative process. I often connect the sounds that are playing in the shoot to the garments I am wearing then to the poses my eyebrows or arms or fingertips are dancing to. 


Fave aesthetic, look or theme when shooting?  
I am obsessed with anything that requires MOVEMENT. I'm sure you can tell by now! This can mean blurry shots, articles of clothing with fun fringe, tassels, LED lights, etc! I am also drawn to aesthetics that require more emotional input. There are too many photos in the world where the model is off looking in the distance, just exuding complete boredom. That's not how people want to be conveyed! It's time to allow models to show grit, tension, complete bliss, joy! 


Do you have creative friends you like to meetup and brainstorm with?
In my life, I am blessed to have so many friends who just love to create all the time, rain or shine. My friends Stephanie and Josy (also TGS affiliated!) have been my sources of inspiration when it comes to acting/modeling. 


Thanks for scrolling! We’re stoked to showcase some of the trailblazers & amazing members in our community.

Follow this talented gal on Instagram & check back next week for our next member Monday!
