TGS Collective

MeMber Monday: Rosemary Kunigan

TGS Collective
MeMber Monday: Rosemary Kunigan







Paolo Artymiak (photographer), Rosemary (model)

Paolo Artymiak (photographer), Rosemary (model)

Tell me about yourself?

• I’m from Rochester, NY

• My birthday is January 28, 1997 (Aquarius)

• I go to San Diego State for Recreation & Tourism Management
I ran Cross Country & Track for my first 2 years of college. I’m super passionate about running & I believe everyone would be a better person if they were a runner

• I love driving/road tripping- I’ve driven to New York and back 3 times and have been to 30 states!

• My other passion is baseball, I grew up playing it as a kid and my whole family are huge Red Sox fans. My boyfriend plays in the minor leagues and I love being able to be around my favorite sport all the time.
— Rosemary
Oscar Aquino (photographer), Rosemary (model)

Oscar Aquino (photographer), Rosemary (model)

How did you start modeling?

I had originally started modeling because I wanted to become a better photographer. I figured that I could learn more about how to pose models, make models feel comfortable, & work better with people if I had experience doing it myself- but then I completely fell in love with it and now I honestly don’t know which I prefer doing. Lately I’ve been modeling much more than I’ve been doing photography but I love both with all my heart.
— Rosemary
Oscar Aquino (photographer), Rosemary (model)

Oscar Aquino (photographer), Rosemary (model)

How did you find out about Tgs? 

My boyfriend went to College with Alex & showed me her instagram and what she was doing with TGS. I fell in love with the idea and decided to apply.
— Rosemary
Ian Temple (photographer), Rosemary (model)

Ian Temple (photographer), Rosemary (model)

Why’d you join? 

I joined because since I had been living in California had been searching for a community of creatives and a way to get back into photography. I took an almost 3 year break from it after high school- I got so overwhelmed with moving to a new place and with college that lost my favorite part of myself. TGS has helped me to find that again.
— Rosemary
Alex Morehouse (photographer), Rosemary (model)

Alex Morehouse (photographer), Rosemary (model)

Where do you get your inspiration from? 

I get a lot of inspiration randomly- I’ll be just walking around a place and spotting a cool location and picturing what a shoot would look like there. Or I’ll be at the mall and see a cool outfit and think of what I could make it look like in a shoot.
— Rosemary
Freedom Lennon (photographer), Rosemary (model)

Freedom Lennon (photographer), Rosemary (model)

Favorite 'asthetic', theme, or look when shooting? 

My favorite Aesthetic is Vintage!! I love anything that has a 70s/80s vibe or just a classic look
— Rosemary
Freedom Lennon (photographer), Rosemary (model)

Freedom Lennon (photographer), Rosemary (model)

Do you have other creative friends you like to meet up with / brainstorm with?

Whenever either Brody Hartford (@brody.harford) or I have a really awesome shoot we will text eachother the photos all excited about them & get eachother’s opinions. It feels so good to have support and the honest opinion from a talented photographer.
— Rosemary
Brody Hartford (photographer), Rosemary (model)

Brody Hartford (photographer), Rosemary (model)


Most interesting story revolving around modeling? 

About a month ago I replied to this Craigslist ad that said ‘looking for a model TODAY in San Diego last minute because a model cancelled, shoot for LA based brand’ and so I replied to it thinking it would be a small quick gig to make a little money.. When I got there to my suprise it was a full on production with a big brand! There were like 6 different cameras, stylists, directors, & they rented out classic cars to use as props! It was all video for their spring commercial- (which was way out of my comfort zone at the time) But I remained confident like I completey knew what I was doing and killed it! it ended up being the coolest, highest paying, & most fun I’ve ever had on a shoot to this day!
— Rosemary
Freedom Lennon (photographer), Rosemary (model)

Freedom Lennon (photographer), Rosemary (model)

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