TGS Collective

Member Monday: Paola Fog

TGS Collective
Member Monday: Paola Fog





Tell us about yourself
Simply put, I was born to be an artist. Ever since I can remember I wanted to be an actress, a model, a singer, basically anything that allowed me to express myself. I didn't officially start my creative career until I was a freshman in college when I finally decided to make my first YouTube video. It was about making crepes and my face wasn't even in the video, so it's crazy to see how far I've come. And thanks to that video, my artistic side skyrocketed and I fully invested my time on being a video creator/model/photographer. Through these mediums, I've had the opportunity to meet some of the most amazing, imaginative and expressive people in the game. I would confidently say that the most important part of my journey has been placing myself outside my comfort zone. I highly recommend it to anyone that ever finds themselves in a creative rut. 

What inspired you to pursue your current creative path?
My obsession with videos started the moment I realized my parents were no longer making home movies. It made me so sad to think that I wasn't going to have videos to look back to in a few years, so I decided to take it into my own hands. Luckly for me I was able to combine fashion, beauty, lifestyle, and communication into my creative work. Then I became obsessed with working with clothes and props in order to transform myself for a photo shoot and get into VOGUE mode. As for photography, I would always get frustrated when I would ask people to shoot me and didn't get my vision, so I began to get behind the lens myself and it's so addicting. Although I managed to create awesome work as a video creator, model and, photographer, I have yet so much to learn which makes it all even more exciting!

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How did you find out about TGS?
I actually found out about TGS through a close friend that had recently applied to be a member herself. I was already making videos at the time and she knew I wanted to get deeper into modeling and suggested that I joined as well. I can honestly say that It was one of the best decisions of my life. At first, I was nervous to join a creative community because I pride myself on being an independent person, but as soon as I spoke to Alex Morehouse for my TGS interview I was sold. She was very welcoming, but also made it clear that she wanted to help everyone in this community grow and improve their craft. That really resonated with me and every TGS Member that I've met since has been extremely genuine and supportive. 


Why did you decide to join TGS?
When the opportunity to join TGS presented itself, I was still living in my home town. It's an awesome place to grow up, but at the time there weren't many people pursuing creative careers. So, having the chance to not only meet and potentially collaborate and create friendships with other creatives was a dream come true. To be completely honest, it was my saving grace. 


Where do you draw your inspiration from?
I draw inspiration from so many different places and things. It really depends on my mood or the look I'm going for whether I'm modeling or shooting. Sometimes I find inspiration in films and magazines and other times from my favorite artists. Lately, I've been completely immersing myself in my love for old school rock-n-roll. That has definitely left me in a mood to just go for any look and to express myself without regret. 


Fave aesthetic, look or theme when shooting?  
As much as I like to try new things, I'm a sucker for all things vintage. Whether I'm filming a video, modeling or shooting I always try to make my work look old school. It doesn't matter if it's glamorous, edgy or simple, I always find myself looking for ways to feel like I was taken back in time!

Do you have creative friends you like to meetup and brainstorm with?
I have tons of creative friends that I love collaborating with or simply bouncing ideas off each other. Sometimes it's with the people that you least expect too! One of my favorite people to create with is my friend Annette, because as soon as we get together we have the coolest most spontaneous photo shoots all while improving along the way. However, I definitely want to drive up to LA more often now that I live in SD to work with my amazing and talented friends I've made through TGS! So it's definitely one of my goals for 2019! 


Most interesting story revolving around your creative medium?
I'm a huge believer of things happening for a reason. One day a friend told me about Tony Robbins and his podcast, so I decided to give it a listen. That same day TGS posted that they were doing a giveaway for one of the TGS Unplug events. All we had to do to enter for a chance to go on the trip was to write a page on something we've recently learned. So, I thought why not and wrote about Tony Robbins' lesson and before I knew it I had won the giveaway. The craziest part was that during this time I was in the world's greatest creative rut and somehow I ended up in a cabin with a bunch of other creatives. Thanks to this trip I was able to find my artistic self once again and even met a few people I had been admiring for a while. Literally, girls I was hoping to meet someday became my friends overnight. It was awesome! 


Random stuff about you
I'm a huge music lover, but more than anything I'm obsessed with storytelling and the ability to do it through song. Not many people know this about me, but I love writing songs and the past year has been all about pushing my boundaries. Writing lyrics, in general, comes so natural to me so it's definitely something I want to keep exploring!