TGS Collective

Member Monday: Sydney Swing

TGS Collective
Member Monday: Sydney Swing

Tell me about yourself

Hey y’all! I’m a Midwest chick who moved to NYC this year. I’m 23, 5’3 and want to help change the modeling industry as it’s pushing for more inclusion. I believe every woman needs to be represented, and since a majority of my fellow ladies are under 5’8, I want to help represent the petite gals out there. I also am a hugeee fitness junkie and have done fitness boxing for almost 5 years now. When I’m not hitting the gym, you’ll find me walking pups, drinking an iced latte, playing basketball, or planning my next adventure.

What made you want to start modeling?

I’ve always really enjoyed photographs and having fun in front of a camera. For modeling specifically, I started doing product modeling randomly in college and really loved it. It made me feel confident and was a fun way to earn some extra money. From there I just had this moment where I was could have a living doing this and working with great brands. But to be able to help people along the way is the real reason I pursue it.

sydney swing

How did you find out about TGS?

I went to my first TGS meetup in the beginning of this year and met the team - I was hooked since. I had never met such a passionate group of people who wanted nothing but my success. Love this team.

Why did you join TGS?

Genuine people who genuinely want to create, have fun and push themselves - those are the kind of people I needed in my life and I’m so glad to call TGS home :)

Where do you get your inspiration?

I get the most inspired by travel. There is so much out there to work with and the places I go never let me down. New York always offers me grungy, city vibes, in Palm Springs I felt girly and retro, Hawaii made me feel rugged and raw. Everywhere I go I feel something stir in me that makes me to want to capture the space around me. I also get inspired by art since here is no right or wrong way to do it…it’s crazy what you can create when you just go for it. The dream is to keep creating around the world to keep the fire alive.

Favorite aesthetic, theme, or look when shooting?

Anyone who knows me knows I am a 70s girl at heart. Give me some bell bottoms, platforms, a retro stang’ and I’m one happy chika.

sydney swing

Do you have other creative friends your like to meet up with and brainstorm?

1000% yes. I could not make it through this creative world without my friends who do it alongside me. They keep me inspired, pick me up when I’m down and in a rut and genuinely get excited about my successes. They just get it….highly encourage you to find fellow creatives to keep you on track!

Most interesting story revolving around modeling?

I don’t know about interesting...but I won’t forget one of the first paid gigs I did. I was in a rut creatively, still working a full time job I wasn’t happy with and was listening to the devil on my shoulder trying to convince me I was no good. I got an awesome paid partnership with a huge brand the same week...when you get paid to do the thing you love...that’s a super surreal moment.


Random stuff about you?

I’m terrified of bugs, I have a sweet tooth worse than any 8 year old and I am obsessed with all things colorful and bright. The more stripes, patterns and colors involved, the better.

Come create with Sydney and other amazing creatives at our upcoming events in NYC

10/13 and 10/14