TGS Collective

Member Monday: Haley Hudson

TGS Collective
Member Monday: Haley Hudson



Haley Hudson

Haley Hudson (model), Jon (photographer)

Haley Hudson (model), Jon (photographer)

Tell me about yourself?

I’m from the OC area but I moved out to WeHo in mid-2017 to pursue modeling full time. I have an awesome manager and a killer team behind me helping me out every step of the way! I’m a Libra, sharing a zodiac sign with Kim Kardashian, Gwen Stefani, and Amber Rose, obviously. ;) In my spare time I like to play with my little Yorkie Valentino (I treat him like a son!), check out all the new designers in the area, and come up with super creative vegan recipes!
— Haley Hudson
Haley Hudson (model), Rex Yu (photographer)

Haley Hudson (model), Rex Yu (photographer)

What made you start modeling?

Modeling has always been the goal. I always knew that I wanted to be a model, and grew up idolizing women like Anna Nicole Smith and Brigitte Bardot. My junior year of high school, when senior photo sessions came around, I booked a shoot. I saw it as the perfect opportunity to see how I felt behind a professional camera in a very low-pressure way. Needless to say, I LOVED it! I instantly dove myself into non-stop photoshoots and dove into the industry head first. Within a few months, I was booking myself on paid shoots multiple times a week and even scored some major music videos, finally launching a professional career in modeling.
— Haley Hudson
Haley Hudson (model), Sterling Reed (photographer)

Haley Hudson (model), Sterling Reed (photographer)

How did you find out about TGS?

I found out about TGS by a few friends near the end of 2016, they kept telling me what great a fit I would be and spoke so highly of the collective! I knew it would be something that I could challenge myself in the best way possible, and I’m SO glad that I did!
— Haley Hudson
Haley Hudson (model), Jon (photographer)

Haley Hudson (model), Jon (photographer)

Why’d you join? 

I originally joined TGS because I saw it as a great way to get involved in a creative space with people who would welcome me with open arms. I’m always looking to push myself to success, and TGS has given me such a great outlet to do just that!
— Haley Hudson
Haley Hudson (model), Rex Yu (photographer)

Haley Hudson (model), Rex Yu (photographer)

Where do you get your inspiration from? 

I’m always pulling inspiration! From old Playboy magazines to Marilyn Monroe era movies, I’m always soaking up inspiration from iconic women. I do my best to look through vintage magazines as much as possible, and I rewatch old movies like the Valley of the Dolls and Casablanca almost weekly. I log it all into a private Instagram account I created for myself as a visual board. There I store inspiration, plan shoots, and write myself detailed notes! It’s so important to keep your eyes on the prize, literally!
— Haley Hudson
Haley Hudson (model), Jon (photographer)

Haley Hudson (model), Jon (photographer)


Favorite 'aesthetic', theme, or look when shooting?

VINTAGE, VINTAGE, VINTAGE!!! I love everything vintage. (Can you tell I like vintage?) I’m always going for a look that will give you 60’s charm, my favorite era of style. My latest rule of thumb is to avoid anything that Nancy Sinatra wouldn’t wear.
— Haley Hudson
Haley Hudson (model), Rex Yu (photographer)

Haley Hudson (model), Rex Yu (photographer)


Do you have other creative friends you like to meet up with / brainstorm with?

Absolutely! I’m always working, so pretty much everyone that I surround myself with impacts me in a creative way! I’m always feeling influenced by the people that I meet, so it’s important to me to keep a creative circle that I can bounce ideas off of in a positive way.
— Haley Hudson
Haley Hudson (model), Jon (photographer)

Haley Hudson (model), Jon (photographer)

What's something that most people don't know?

Probably the most random fact about me is that I’m SUPER into the legal system, and I’m going to school to be a lawyer! I’ve always been a huge proponent of fighting for what’s right, both in my professional and personal life. Think Legally Blonde but fashion.
— Haley Hudson
Haley Hudson (model),  Jethro Alaba (photographer)

Haley Hudson (model),  Jethro Alaba (photographer)

Most interesting story revolving around modeling?

Ooooo this is a good question! I’ve had some pretty interesting experiences in the industry, but the most interesting would probably have to be the time I ran into my boyfriend (at the time) at an audition for a music video, and we both got booked on the job! We got driven up to the literal Mojave desert to film at an airport graveyard in like 30-degree weather, and of course, wardrobe put me in a bra and shorts! It was a super hectic filming day, but the music video came out pretty dope. I’m sure I’m totally going to think of a crazier story right after this interview, but that’s what I’ve got right now LOL!
— Haley Hudson
Haley Hudson (model), Rex Yu (photographer)

Haley Hudson (model), Rex Yu (photographer)

Wanta see more of this amazing model? Go lurk her insta: