TGS Collective

Member Monday: Sezen Tezic

TGS Collective
Member Monday: Sezen Tezic

This week we interviewed one of our newest East Coast members, Sezen Tezic!

Keep scrolling to get to know this amazing East Coast Photographer we just added to the team!


Tell us about yourself
I was born in Istanbul, Turkey and moved to San Francisco, California almost 6 years ago and recently to New York. After I moved US, I changed my career Event Manager to Photography, starting with going Photography College.


What inspired you to pursue your current creative path?
Conceptual art inspires me because creating scene for a model, outfit also mood makes me feel I create an image instead of only portraits. Still, aesthetic of body figure, body language always inspires me too. So, when pursue my creative path I'd like to create a scene for whole picture which suits with model expression and atmosphere. Also I love to use colors to show off the energy of images. So usually this are my go to. 


How did you find out about TGS?
When I was living SF, I found TGS has an upcoming event in Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco. So I told my other photographer friend and we attend together. I've got some model friends over there, and some good photographers which still they are my close friends. So I went them next TGS meet up, I continue to meet some of other creatives and I shoot after them more! After I moved to NYC, first thing I do to go TGS meet-ups, because I knew they are incredibly productive meet-ups which makes me feel I should stay in this industry. 


Why did you decide to join TGS?
Before TGS, I was working in a photography studio, but haven't have chance to work with real models to create what I need to create. Technically I was improving but, artistically I feel frustrated. So I looked TGS Instagram page and Alex's story was about other people who reach her and saying exactly what I feel, and Alex was talking about that creatives are not alone. That empathy behind this collective group got me! 


Where do you draw your inspiration from?
I like to follow editorial works and magazines. Some photographers with their conceptual vision inspires me, so when I see the models portfolio, I start to think what kind of look they can deliver, and when we talk what we will do, I like to detail everything will be in my frame.


Fave aesthetic, look or theme when shooting?  
I love to be model's mirror, so I love to pose the way I think works with the the feeling that I'm digging with them. I usually make sure if the lighting is good, and if there is a connection between the place and model. Also I love to bring props to set to get some conceptual look.


Do you have creative friends you like to meetup and brainstorm with?
I do, I usually screen shots some moodboards and talk more about where I can get this feeling with my friends. Because I'm new in New York, whenever I need location scouting for certain look, I ask my other photographer friends and they usually bring up super cool ideas!

Most interesting story revolving around your creative medium?
Color Factory, the place that every girls dream to shoot! I know sounds so fun, but so hard to shoot in there. Plus if you bring a flash with a soft box on it, because you are a photographer who wants to fill the light, and don't want to end up weird pink/blue gel light on your model face. This places are packed, and so small for this kind of events! No, I'm good with out it. 

Random stuff about you
I love dancing by myself, it makes me so out of this world. But don't want anyone watch me, so it is my quirky habit. I love sushi and hot sake and watching independent movies.



Check back next week for our next member Monday!