TGS Collective

Member Monday: Allison Sherman

TGS Collective
Member Monday: Allison Sherman







Tell me about yourself?

- From Scottsdale, AZ, currently live in Long Beach, CA
- Arizona State University class of 2016. Majored in both Industrial Design and Design Management, Minored in Sustainability. Was in Pi Beta Phi.
- Virgo
- I live a low-waste vegan lifestyle - this means I don’t eat/wear/use any animal products including meat, fish, dairy, eggs, honey, leather, suede, etc. The low-waste means I try to minimize packaging and waste in all forms (ex. carrying my own utensils/straw/containers, buying bulk in reusables, recycling everything you can, etc.)
- At 21, I had visited 6 out of 7 continents. The only one I haven’t been to is Antarctica.
- I’m very involved in the sustainable fashion community. On top of full time freelancing with graphic design/photography and an online part time fashion styling position, I’m also the creative director and graphic designer of eco fashion organization, Beyond the Label. We just came out with a book that I designed in November called, “How to Shop for Shi(f)t”.
- I’m a certified scuba diver, although I only go a couple times a year. It’s pretty pricy so I like to go with my Dad :)
- I didn’t wear blue jeans for about 6 years straight, I thought they were too basic because everyone wore them. I would wear colored denim, white denim, and black denim though. I’ve been out of that phase for a couple years now.
- I’M SO CLOSE with my family. Text my mom more than I text all of my contacts combined
- I live with my boyfriend, Zach, who’s currently getting his doctorate from CSULB. In June, we will have been dating 5 years.
- I’m obsessed with the number 4. Don’t understand why? Talk to me and I’ll explain all the ways it’s an amazing magic number.
— Allison


How did you get into photography? 

Originally, I was a creative assistant for Bloguettes in college, so I did a lot of photography for them - events, stock photography, content for social media, etc. I didn’t start doing photography on my own until I moved to California from Arizona. Literally just had zero time in college with all the stuff I had going on but I was always interested in it. I started doing it because I actually wanted photos of me and couldn’t afford a photographer nor wanted anyone else to edit the photos, so I would have my models snap a few of me as well. I thought it was a great way to meet people and I enjoyed taking photos of others just as much me having photos taken of me. From there, it has just grown!
— Allison


How did you find out about Tgs?

I found out about TGS from Toria Webber (TGS model) because she had tagged TGS in some of her photos. We had become friends through a meet up that photographer Brittney Borowski hosted in February of 2017.
— Allison


Where do you get your inspiration from? 

I get inspiration from... wait for it... super original, I know.... SOCIAL MEDIA! Seeing the content others put out gets me to try things and get inspired for the content I wish to create.
— Allison


What’s your favorite way to get out of a creative rut? 

This sounds kinda odd, but I don’t really get in creative ruts? If I’m feeling overwhelmed though, I just step back and take a breather or stop and come back to what I’m doing to get a fresh perspective.
— Allison


Do you have other creative friends you like to meet up with / brainstorm with?

YES! Love to hang with my creative friends because they’re so supportive and inspiring. Many of my non-creative friends and loved ones, don’t understand what I do, how I can support myself, and can be discouraging of my dreams and lifestyle. They’re stuck in the 40 hours per week minimum, working 8-5 Monday-Friday mindset, which I don’t abide by and hopefully never will again in my life! My creative friends understand this because almost all of them are trying to do it too!
— Allison

Most interesting story revolving around photography? 

It’s not too interesting, more of just a general thing that happens way too much. PEOPLE BAIL - ALL. THE. TIME. Even day-of when you’re already there! The worst was when I was going to Sequoia with Daniel Woods and a group that he put together and a group of 7 models all bailed day of when I was already in Bakersfield. I even have paid shoots, where they’ve already paid their deposit, and they still bail. It’s cray.
— Allison


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