TGS Collective

Member Monday: Sterling Reed

TGS Collective
Member Monday: Sterling Reed





Sterling Reed

Sterling Reed (featured), Cluney (photographer)

Sterling Reed (featured), Cluney (photographer)

Tell me about yourself?

I grew up in San Francisco and moved to a suburb east of Sacramento for high school (Folsom). I graduated high school at age 17 and moved to LA to become a rockstar. I graduated from Biola University with a business degree in 2013. I’ve been married since 2011 and my wife and I met at summer camp when we were eight years old. My goal is to shoot for Gucci within ten years. I’m a proud resident of the beautiful city of Long Beach. I have a 71 pound puppy. We have a bar in our apartment.
— Sterling Reed
Natalie Zettel (model), Sterling Reed (photographer)

Natalie Zettel (model), Sterling Reed (photographer)

How did you get into Photography?

My wife and I quit our corporate jobs in 2015 and spent time traveling abroad. Documenting this trip with my iPhone camera was one big catalyst in me eventually jumping into photography. When we returned to the US, I found an old Canon Rebel from 1992 on Craigslist for $100 and used that on a cross-country roadtrip later that year.
— Sterling Reed
Storme Atlantis (model), Sterling Reed (photographer)

Storme Atlantis (model), Sterling Reed (photographer)

How did you find out about Tgs?

I don’t remember exactly how I found out about TGS... Somehow stumbled upon it while going down the Instagram rabbit hole early in 2017
— Sterling Reed
Janine Hogan (model), Sterling Reed (photographer)

Janine Hogan (model), Sterling Reed (photographer)

Why'd you join?

I had recently jumped full-time into freelance photography and the concept behind TGS seemed helpful and intriguing. I figured I had nothing to lose in applying.
— Sterling Reed
Sierra Barter (model), Sterling Reed (photographer)

Sierra Barter (model), Sterling Reed (photographer)

Where do you get your inspiration from? 

I’ve always had a love for aesthetics, whether it was beautiful architecture or amazing cinematography, so overall I would say that I’m inspired by beauty in the world around me. Specifically though, I have been fascinated with high-fashion and menswear in recent years and I think this has had a large influence on my photography.
— Sterling Reed
Brynne Erksine (model), Sterling Reed (photographer)

Brynne Erksine (model), Sterling Reed (photographer)

Do you have other creative friends you like to brainstorm with?

I’ve been fortunate to meet a number of extremely creative artists throughout my journey in photography. Working with people who have different artistic vision than I has been inspiring and energizing. I also try to find a few people who are fun to work with and who understand my vision, and then I tend to work with them repeatedly. However, I try not to be too involved with, for example, the Instagram portrait community otherwise I’ve found that my work starts to resemble that style too closely.
— Sterling Reed
Haley Hudson (model), Sterling Reed (photographer)

Haley Hudson (model), Sterling Reed (photographer)

What’s your favorite way to get out of a creative rut? 

I’m still trying to figure this one out because I feel like I experience creative ruts often, but sometimes I just make myself get outside and shoot. That intentional action will usually help.
— Sterling Reed
 Shannen Robinson (model), Sterling Reed (photographer)

 Shannen Robinson (model), Sterling Reed (photographer)

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