TGS Collective

Member Monday: John Gregorios

TGS Collective
Member Monday: John Gregorios

Tell Me About Yourself

Hey! Ny name is John Francis Christian Gregorios, Jay for short.  I am a New York City based portrait and wedding photographer.  My parents introduced me to photography and fashion at a very young age and fell in love with it instantly.  This year I took a break from school to pursue my passions full time and I am happy to say that it is paying off and I am really excited what the future holds

Model: Yessy

Model: Yessy

Why Did You Join TGS?

The main reason why I started photography is because I am just so in love with fashion.  Day and night, I would dream about starting my own line, my own brand however I wasn’t good at drawing or designing so I started to put my energy into something else. I studied how to make people flattering, different angles that I could use and I just fell in love in making everyone look amazing, that where photography comes in I just love it when people come to me with smiles and the glow in their eyes.

Models (from left to right): Kyra Stevens & Kristen Mishthopoulos

Models (from left to right): Kyra Stevens & Kristen Mishthopoulos

How Did You Find Out About TGS?

I found out about TGS through my good friend and fellow photographer Rhyan Mahelona.  One day I asked him “Bro is there any meet up we can go to that the ratio to model is 1:1?” and he replied, “I got you right now bro” and showed me the TGS page on Instagram and [applied] to join the collective the day after.

Model: Sparker

Model: Sparker

Why did you Join TGS?

I joined TGS due to the reason that I liked how intimate the collective is, it feels more like a family than a place where I can just randomly find other creatives.  Moreover, another reason is because how active the chief is (Alex) always there to answer my questions and give awesome advices, due to that I know that the member of TGS was also amazing.

Where do you get your Inspo?

Wow, where do I get inspiration from? Hmmmmm lets start off with just living my everyday life, I’m very adventurous so I would just start walking and end off at a place where I can shoot at.  I would see a pink colored wall and with that I would head straight to the nearest clothes store and put up an awesome outfit.  However I really get my inspiration from my favorite photographers, naming a few them it would be Emily Soto, Joe Greer, Saul Leiter, and Paolo Roversi.

Model: Sydney Swing

Model: Sydney Swing

Fave Aesthetic, Look or Theme when Shooting?

Tertiary color combinations! It sounds weird but seeing a photo where the colors complements each other just make the phot more interesting and makes the model pop up more.  I also love old vintage dresses, I would mostly shoot them with my family cameras and Polaroids to achieve that “Film” look.

Model: Christy Soeder

Model: Christy Soeder

Do you Have Other Creative Friends you Like to Meetup with and Brainstorm?

Yes, I definitely do! My friends Rhyan, Gabe, and Ramon would always hang out to just talk about photography and future projects! Most Saturdays we would head to our headquarters at a place called the Love Café and would just edit our phots and also give each other some tips on how to make our workflow easier.

Model: Kate Ketterer

Model: Kate Ketterer

Most Interesting Story Revolving Around Photography?

Went to a mall once trying to find my next outfit for my next shoot, the moment I entered the store I caught in the corner of my eye some guy whispering to his friend and pointing at me, I decided to ignore the remarks. As I was leaving that same dude stopped me, he spoked in some other language that I did not understand, he gave me a pen and paper and gave me the “please sign” gesture and cause I wanted to be funny I decided to give him my signature and after I gave back that paper he said “Kevin Wong” I almost died laughing.

Model: Nicholas

Model: Nicholas

Random Stuff About You?

I wasn’t born in NY just came to the country like 5 years ago from the Philippines. I own a total of 25 cameras.  Love wedding dresses more than anything.  

Jay is one of our newest members - want to learn more about applying to TGS? Shoot us a note!