TGS Collective

Member monday: Shelby ayn

TGS Collective
Member monday: Shelby ayn


SheLby ayn



Hey there! I'm Shelby and my favorite things are country music, line dancing, and anything sweet! My photography journey started 10 years ago in high school when I needed an elective and decided to choose photo class. My first year in Photo (yes 1st year as I took 3 years of it in high school!) was learning to shoot film and work in a dark room. I then advanced to color film and senior year I choose digital photography and continued with that for 2 years in college. After attending community college for 2 years I decided school was not for me and I wanted to really pursue my dream as a family and wedding photographer. I have had ups and downs in the business and wanted to explore more creative outlets which led to more portrait and lifestyle type work and I am still building on to my portfolio and what I offer clients today.


What inspired you to pursue your current creative path?

In high school photo I actually won 1st place in contest for the City of Monrovia, and all my friends and family kept telling me this was something I needed to stick with and pursue as it was my calling in life. I really enjoy meeting new people and being able create with them and bring my visions to life. I also feel photography has brought me closer in my community and have been able to meet so many new and creative people. Everyone has their own stories and that is what I love to capture in my photos. On a wedding day I am usually emotional during the vows or first dance behind my camera and then again while I'm editing and I get to relive the moment, I know my clients are reliving the day just by looking at their albums or galleries and that gives me all the feels and is the reason I love my job!

photo jan 01, 12 18 15 am.jpeg

How did you find out about TGS?

I had been following a few other photographers that were apart of the TGS community and loved what they had been sharing so decided to reach out to Sammi Bryant who encouraged me to submit an application & I am so glad she talked me into it!

photo may 18, 10 11 57 pm.jpeg

Why did you decide to join TGS?

I wanted to be apart of a community where I could meet new like minded creatives and learn new styles. I do not think I would be where I am at in my photography journey if I had not decided to apply.

photo jun 01, 5 56 07 pm.jpeg

Where do you draw your inspiration from?Mostly Pintrest but also magazines & my surroundings

photo jan 01, 12 13 39 am.jpeg

Fave aesthetic, look or theme when shooting?

 I am really into the more warmer contrasted tones but also love bright and airy. With clients I usually ask them what type of look they are going for and try and accomplish it for them so I feel as my style is different depending on my client/s needs


Do you have creative friends you like to meetup and brainstorm with?

I have been able to meet more like minded creatives and have a few photographer friends who I like to shoot with. I have also met new friends who are models that I shoot with now and I am sure my sister is happy now that I don't ask her constantly to model for me anymore.

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Most interesting story revolving around your creative medium?

At one of the TGS LA meetups I met Neha who is a model and asked me to be apart of her shoot for a Fashion show this year that she is putting on bridging together designers from India and Pakistan. I photographed 6 different designers collections for the show which will be displayed that night at the venue and have had the opportunity to really network myself. I felt so honored that Neha asked me to work with her and this amazing opportunity. Now I get to enjoy the show while being surrounded by my work.


Random stuff about you?

As mentioned above I love country music and country line dancing which for a year I would go every Saturday night as its a great workout! I am scared of heights but yet want to go skydiving so bad (so if you want to go with me let me know!) I am also a big family person and love being with my parents.

Thanks for reading!

Check back next week for our next member Monday! And follow Shelby on Instagram @shelbyaynphotos