TGS Collective

Member Monday: Lexi Brown

TGS Collective
Member Monday: Lexi Brown

If you love moody vibes and clean edits (& if you don’t, you may be on the wrong site), you’re going to love this weeks Member Monday.

This week, we interviewed Lexi Brown

Model: Lexi BrownPhotographer: Sophie Dolan

Model: Lexi Brown

Photographer: Sophie Dolan

Tell me about yourself

Here are the basics: I’m a 19 year old Pennsylvania native, born and raised in the world’s most adorable small town nestled right between NYC and Philadelphia. I am so lucky to have grown up in a community that is filled with artists of all kinds. My first love is singing and I’ve been a vocalist since I could talk.  I am also an actress, dancer, photographer, and traveler! I am passionate about inspiring and connecting with other people and creating is my primary method of doing so!

What made you want to start modeling/photography?

I started photography with my mom’s Iphone 4 when I was in the 8th grade. My middle school art teacher encouraged me to start experimenting with different mediums, and I fell in love with being behind the camera. I submitted my early work to the Scholastic Art and Writing awards and received a national silver medal. I continued to grow as an artist and am inspired to make art to this day.

Model: Madelynne JamesonPhotographer: Lexi Brown

Model: Madelynne Jameson

Photographer: Lexi Brown

How did you find out about TGS?

I was told about the collective by fellow artist and friend Taylor Cooley. Without her recommendation, I would not have seized the opportunity to join such an amazing community of artists!

Models: Haley Hizer and Edward CyphertPhotographer: Lexi Brown

Models: Haley Hizer and Edward Cyphert

Photographer: Lexi Brown

Why did you join TGS?

I initially joined TGS in order to become more engaged with the artistic community in NYC! As I continued to become involved with the collective, I quickly learned TGS also constantly inspires and encourages their members to be as creative as possible. Each time I attend a meetup, I meet more brilliant creators that genuinely care about connecting with one another and making beautiful work together! TGS is truly a breath of fresh air.

Model: Carolyn FrischPhotographer: Lexi Brown

Model: Carolyn Frisch

Photographer: Lexi Brown

Where do you get your inspo?

I pull a lot of inspiration from film, poetry, music, and literature. I am a storyteller at heart and I want people to be able to empathize with my work. I also like to reflect on my own experiences, try to recreate how a memory makes me feel, and turn it into something tangible.

Model: Christy SoederPhotographer: Lexi Brown

Model: Christy Soeder

Photographer: Lexi Brown

Fave aesthetic, look, or theme when shooting?

I try to capture a feeling or emotion while I am creating. Styling,  makeup, and models all contribute to the overall mood of the shoot; every artist on the team is a collaborator. I like to incorporate a concept or storyline into every shoot, whether it be premeditated or spontaneous. I also love to experiment with colors and lighting! Recently, I have been working with earth tones, pops of color, and distinct facial expressions.

Model: Alli BrownPhotographer: Lexi Brown

Model: Alli Brown

Photographer: Lexi Brown

Do you have other creative friends you like to meetup with and brainstorm?

I have so many brilliant creators that I love brainstorming with. I am so lucky to have friends that create all mediums of art. Actors, painters, photographers, musicians, printmakers, poets, name it! When planning a project, we like to throw around specs for a shoot and create a mood board that is inclusive of everyone’s ideas. Collaborating with all types of inventive minds keeps me inspired and challenged!

Model: @LydialaughsPhotographer: Lexi Brown

Model: @Lydialaughs

Photographer: Lexi Brown

Most interesting story revolving around modeling/photography?

Oh there are too many! Recently, my sister and I hiked out to Solheimasandur plane wreck on Iceland’s southern coast to shoot. We brought all of my camera gear and a pair of aviator goggles to use on the go. After a four mile hike in some of the harshest wind we have ever encountered, we made it to the wreckage. It is not monitored and there is no restrictions on what you can or cannot touch, so we spent an hour climbing all over the plane in all its abandoned glory. It was like a huge abandoned playground!

Model: Tyler RayPhotographer: Lexi Brown

Model: Tyler Ray

Photographer: Lexi Brown

Random facts?

I am a travel addict and plan to see the world for the rest of my life! My party trick is doing all the choreography from Britney Spears Oops I Did It Again music video. My spirit animal is a bottlenose dolphin. My favorite color is yellow and my favorite meal of the day is breakfast. I frequent concerts and am a self-proclaimed human connection enthusiast.  Oh, and I learned how to surf in Australia.