TGS Collective

Glitter Girl

TGS Collective
Glitter Girl

Congrats on graduating you babe!

I met Cami Spisak 5+ years ago during this cool summer camp of sorts, and we've been best friends ever since. You know those kind of friends that no matter how much time passes, it seems like no time passed at all? Well that's the kind of special friendship I share with this gem of a lady!

She asked me to shoot her graduation photos, and after I tried to explain that I haven't shot in a long time and that I didn't have a camera, she told me "Don't worry I have one!"

Well then.... no more excuses!

Things worked out so that I was able to come down to San Diego to shoot Cami's grad photos and also fit in a few test shoots for people who wanted to join the TGS team! We gained two members, and I was able to capture these photos of my beautiful best friend who, if you asked me to capture her in just a couple of words, I would call my

Glitter Girl