The Anaheim Packing District

Ahh.. The Anaheim Packing District.. Many of you probably have been to the Packing House before, but let us take you on our little food journey. We decided to hit this gem bright and early so we could beat the crowd, and also because we were hungry as f*ck. 

If you've never been to the Packing District, we have 2 suggestions for you: go with an empty stomach and bring friends! There are over 20 merchants inside the Packing House that can satisfy any and all cravings you have. We spotted at least 5 dessert shops, including Popbar, Hans' Homemade Ice Cream, and the new Mini Monster. Even we were able to satisfy our sweet tooth, which, trust us, is not an easy feat. But more on that later..

First! Let's just pause and talk about how freaking rad this place looks. This two-leveled historic packing house was completely transformed. There were air plants hanging on cables coming down from the ceiling, the beams and vents were exposed overhead; the whole vibe was very industrial rain forest, if you feel us.. On the lower level, you can kick back on some comfy couches or opt for a nice swing on some SWINGING. BENCHES. Ugh. We couldn't have thought of a better playground. Food + swings? That's what dreams are made of.

Photo May 30.jpeg

Our first stop was coffee, of course. Let's be real, even though we had the day off, it was still a Monday. We settled into this super cute little corner at Cafecito Organico with our freshly brewed Vanilla Latte and Mocha. For all you who care about coffee and the world, you'll be happy to know that not only does Cafecito Organico brew some delicious coffee, they also are all about fair trade and producing high quality coffee sustainably. We'll drink to that!

For what we like to call pre-breakfast, we stopped by Pandor Bakery & Cafe and got a savory crepe. The crepe was freshly made by hand and stuffed with turkey, bacon, avocado, tomatoes, and gooey melted cheese. We snagged two seats at the lemon tables and devoured our crepe while getting serenaded by a live performer singing classic rock songs. #hearteyesforever.

And for the main event.. Are You Cereal? From The Iron Press. Yas kween! We had vanilla ice cream for breakfast! We still deemed it the breakfast of champs because it came on top of a warm soft waffle infused with Cap’N’Crunch cereal and drizzled with sweet condensed milk. Obviously, it took no time at all for us to inhale our breakfast. Seriously, we took more time taking pictures of our breakfast-dessert than actually eating it. Our moms would be proud. Check out Alex tackling it (;

Okay, now this is where your friends come in. If we had known better, we would have dragged the whole squad with us, ordered from all the different restaurants and shops, and done it family style. We could have had so much more food! But it’s okay. Lesson learned, and next time all you betches are coming with! 

If you need more convincing, check out how much fun we're having in our video diary: