TGS CollectiveComment

'Tis the season

TGS CollectiveComment
'Tis the season

2016 has been a huge year of growth here at the gypsy shack!

Started in March of this year, the blog was just a way to share our love of fashion and food with all of our friends and family... slowly but surely people started taking interest and after months of fun collaborations with new talent, boutiques, and designers we started realizing how many amazing connections we had!

With all of the photographers, models, and clothing lines we've been in contact with it made sense to start connecting everyone! Our whole vision and purpose has shifted from merely showing fashion, travel, and food, to now including, sponsoring, and networking with people who also want to create killer content and help each other grow!

This last year we have met some INCREDIBLY talented  photographers who have true talent for helping a vision come together. We've done pulls from boutiques time and time again who support our purpose and our crazy photoshoot ideas, and we have started accumulating exciting content for local businesses to use for their social media and/or websites! The last few months have been full of discovery for us - what our style is, what our purpose is, and what our goals are for TGS come 2017!

We wish you a merry Christmas & hope that you're spending some time with your family and loved ones! Sip some eggnog and eat too many sugar cookies! We know we sure will be!

We've had way too much fun building TGS from the ground up.... so stay tuned for our next post to see what you should be expecting in 2017!

xoxo Alex & Iris 


To see more work from Katie, check out her IG: