TGS Collective

Member Monday: Kyrsta Morehouse

TGS Collective
Member Monday: Kyrsta Morehouse



Photo Mar 11, 3 26 10 PM.jpg

Tell us about yourself!
I am a award winning, internationally published makeup artist specializing in special makeup effects. About a year after I first found special effects, I realized that I could turn my odd hobby into a career, and suddenly the future was clear. My junior year of high school, I was hired as an intern for a special makeup effects lab three hours from home. Soon after the internship ended, I was already getting jobs for independent films and theater productions as the makeup department head. After graduating high school, I immediately moved to Burbank, CA and enrolled in the master course at Makeup Designory. I later competed in the IMATS London 2016 Battle of the Brushes for Character/Prosthetics taking second place, and the IMATS LA 2017 Battle of the Brushes for Character/Prosthetic taking first place. Now, I am working full time and diving head first into all genres and styles of makeup as a beauty and special makeup effects artist. I spend my time working photo shoots, movies, commercials, TV shows, music videos, and other special events. I have been very blessed to do makeup in a lot of different fields, all styles of makeup, and with many incredible artists and celebrities. 


What inspired you to pursue your current creative path?
I was always a creative child I just wasn't sure what medium was right for me. I always drew, painted, made collages, sang, danced, and acted but nothing really mad as much sense as when I found makeup. Suddenly, everything just made sense. Its not always easy but it just feels right and like its where I am meant to be 


How did you find out about TGS?
I think I was always destined to be apart of TGS in one way or another since Alex Morehouse (Creator/CEO of TGS) is my big sister! What can I say, we come from a creative family!

Why did you decide to join TGS?
I truly believed in what Alex was creating. The creative industry can be very competitive or judgmental, but TGS is a place to connect, network, and create beautiful art with like minded people. Its a place that accepts you no matter how you look, your background, etc and thats very rare to find.

Where do you draw your inspiration from?
Inspiration comes from everywhere; even though that sounds very cliche its true. As a makeup artist I get inspired by nature a lot. I have come up with cool designs, colors, and textures from leafs and different textures in the clouds etc. Art is all around us if we chose to see it. But I am also inspired by all the creatives around me. Sometimes I see incredible photographers and based on their style and mood they create I think of a really cool makeup to mix with their style, or another makeup artist does something that I have never seen before. As an artist I am always looking at the people and things around me to try and come up with something that no one has seen before.


Fave aesthetic, look or theme when shooting?  
Right now I'm really inspired by a really cool series I started with photographer Fidel Gonzalez where we are mixing the worlds of beauty/high fashion with special effects makeup. Its been really freeing creatively and hes such an incredible artist who really sees the vision and pushes me. Together we have been creating things that neither of us have ever seen before which is a really cool feeling to be apart of something so new and special. 

Do you have creative friends you like to meetup and brainstorm with?
So many! And I have specific people I will bounce specific ideas off of, but Alex is always a great sounding board to share my ideas. She helps keep me realistic while always making me push myself outside of my comfort zone. 

Most interesting story revolving around your creative medium?
There are so many moments that are special because every job is so unique. But most recently I was privileged enough to be on the makeup team for the GUCCI S/S219 campaign Showtime. We had an incredible department head the one and only Isamaya French, and countless other amazing artists on set. Not only were we doing some really fun and unique makeups, but it was such a large scale production at the Universal Studios lots that it was just magic! A took a few moments each day I was on set to step back and just marvel in how far I had come to be on that set! Truly an incredible feeling I will never forget! Its crazy now to see the campaign I was on the team for in Vogue, Marie Claire, billboards, Gucci stores, and more! So surreal! 


Random stuff about you?
I have a deep love of bread and carbs and have recently started making homemade breads. I even started a baking instagram for it @bitchinbread

Thanks for reading!

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