TGS Collective

Inspiring Artists Feature

TGS Collective
Inspiring Artists Feature

Here are 5 artists we think you should know about. Featured on our TGS IG account before, we wanted to do a little recap and put 5 faves all in one blog post to make it easy to check them all out!


“I have a true passion for photography. It took many years of wrestling with my likes and dislikes until I finally discovered my true calling in life. I feel most alive when I am creating images. As human beings, it is innately built into each and every one of us to create something meaningful. To put it simply, photography brings purpose to my life, and that purpose is to create. To create something from nothing, and manifest my vision into reality. I want to create more than just a pretty image, I want that image to make you pause, think, and reflect. Images that tell stories, evoke emotion, and allow us to travel back in time are the most powerful images of all.


“Through his photography, Benjo brings a unique and timeless storytelling content.Benjo focuses on directing and capturing the emotions and expressions of each assignment individually, based on the client's or magazine's background stories, visions and inspirations. In collaborations, Benjo creates his unique aesthetic through a variety of mediums, formats, light textures and compositions. By using different mediums, stills and motion, he executes his signature work that is sought after by fashion, celebrity, advertising clients and magazines internationally.”

Sofiia Strykova

is a PRO Makeup Artist represented in NYC. She was trained under top artists in the industry and believes in constant growth and elevation. Her passion and dedication to the craft has brought her to educate for clients and brands as Gucci, NYX, Refinery 29, Sephora; as well as contribute to beauty related articles at New York Magazine.


is desert born and raised fashion photographer who has had a mutual passion for art & travel my entire life. “Inspired by culture and each location’s color palette, I hope that my unique perspective flows vicariously through my photographs, and transports the viewer into a dream-like world. My process usually includes painting my own hues over my images, and reducing the color palette to a cohesive blend of hues.

Vince Aung

Vince Aung is an extremely talented Yangon, Burma born photographer & filmmaker who moved to the states 5 years ago & is now based in California. He has shot for many major publications & brands, as well as continues to inspire his own personal creative and eclectic projects. “With film, I’m very careful with what I’m about to capture. I need to be 100% before I fire the shutter. To me, shooting on film is more of a personal feeling and preference. Film gives emotions. You might cry looking at a contact sheet or the negatives right after you finish developing the film. I started developing myself. It’s very calming. I love it. It’s like cooking; each time is a learning process.” - Vince Aung via