TGS Collective

Member Monday: Katie Parker Rixon

TGS Collective
Member Monday: Katie Parker Rixon








Tell me about yourself?

I was born and raised in Dallas, Georgia. I’ve got a twin brother who is my exact opposite. I’m a black belt, which is cool except everyone that finds out — wants me to hit them. I moved to Los Angeles in 2010 after giving college the ‘old college try’ and deciding it wasn’t for me. I’ve jumped out of a plane 4 times. My husband and I even convinced my entire bridal party to jump with us as part of the wedding celebration. We’ve been married for 5 years and it’s the best.

Sincere advice: Marry your best friend. I’ve tried almost every type of photography but fashion speaks to me the most. My goal isn’t any level of success necessarily, but to live a full life with very few regrets.
— Katie Parker
Katie Parker Rixon (photographer), Mary (model)

Katie Parker Rixon (photographer), Mary (model)

How did you get into Photography? 

It was all by chance really, I got my first small digital camera at 15 for a trip abroad. I feel in love with it and I’ve had a camera in my hand ever since. It was a hobby through high school and quickly became an outlet for me - teenage angst and all. I eventually convinced a few people to pay me and started to pursue it as a career.
— Katie Parker
Katie Parker (photographer), Kendall Tash (model)

Katie Parker (photographer), Kendall Tash (model)

How did you find out about TGS?

I found TGS on Instagram! I was all of the sudden seeing it everywhere and had to see what all the buzz was about.
— Katie Parker
Katie Parker (photographer), Marco Zamora (model)

Katie Parker (photographer), Marco Zamora (model)

Why’d you join? 

I fell in love with the idea. It is so easy to be competitive in this industry and it was so nice to find such a welcoming community that focuses on building each other up.
— Katie Parker
Katie Parker (photographer), Julia Covert (model)

Katie Parker (photographer), Julia Covert (model)

Where do you get your inspiration from? 

I pull inspiration from everywhere, the world is full of ideas and possibilities. I like to look at what my peers are shooting, see what speaks to me and how I could make it my own. I’m an observer and constantly looking for new little spots or locations to shoot. A great resource is google maps. I’ll spend hours on street view checking out different areas for things that stand out. I can see a shoot unfold around a single piece of clothing, most recently it was a band hat I found at a thrift store. I’m also really into color and can plan whole shoots based on a color palette alone.
— Katie Parker
Katie Parker (photographer), Autry Wilson (model)

Katie Parker (photographer), Autry Wilson (model)

What’s your favorite way to get out of a creative rut? 

I like to shoot for myself. I find that if you are expressing yourself and shooting things that excite you, you are less likely to get in a rut in the first place. Still ruts happen, I try to listen to what my heart is telling me. Sometimes it means taking a step back to recharge or trying a different art form to get the juices flowing again. I’ve been dabbling in watercolors and find it very therapeutic.
— Katie Parker
Katie Parker (photographer), Morgan Hennum (model)

Katie Parker (photographer), Morgan Hennum (model)

Do you have other creative friends you like to meet up with / brainstorm with?

I’m super lucky to have a husband that is also a creative, so he is my main sounding board and cheerleader. I do love shooting with other photographers. I think its so interesting how two people can shoot the same idea, model, location and wardrobe in completely different ways. Everyone interacts with the model differently, shoot with different settings and from different angles, and everyone has a unique post process. I think its also a great way to learn and grow as an artist.
— Katie Parker
Katie Parker (photographer), Abby Zuckerman (model)

Katie Parker (photographer), Abby Zuckerman (model)

Most interesting story revolving around photography?

One of my first shoots was at a laundromat. We had the cops called on us because the model was wearing fishnets, and according to the locals of Hiram Georgia we were shooting pornography.
— Katie Parker
Katie Parker (photographer),  Alexandra Burch (model)

Katie Parker (photographer),  Alexandra Burch (model)

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